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How About Step-By-Step Help

To Quickly Uncover "Hidden Money" And

Fund ALL Your 2024 Travel?

How About Step-By-Step Help To

Quickly Uncover "Hidden Money"

And Fund ALL Your 2024 Travel?

What Would...
'An Overflowing Travel Fund'
...Mean To You?
From: Dane Homenick
Where: Winnipeg, MB.

What would 'An Overflowing Travel Fund' mean to you...?

For everyone it's different...

For some of you, you're in a job that doesn't pay enough for you to travel.

For others, you may make a decent income... but you feel stuck because there never seems to be much left over, and you're not sure why.

And for others, you may have the means but you know there are still many ways to save so your trips can become much more luxurious.

Before I share MY GOAL FOR YOU with this 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge'... let me ask you a few questions...
Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!
Are you certain you're NOT overspending on your monthly bills?
Are you trying to figure out a way to travel more?
Are you just getting started with budgeting and saving, and have NO IDEA where to start?
Are you in a job that doesn't pay you what you're worth, and you want to get out of the hole until you find a better one?
Do you have a make a decent income, but for some reason you're feeling stuck?
Do you love taking trips but would love to turn them into more luxurious, extravagant adventures?
Are you convinced that you spend more than you need to, but are not sure where or how to start fixing your finances?
Are you about to make a big life purchase, and want to make sure it's a huge success?!
Do you want to keep more of the money you earn WITHOUT having to cut out the things that make you happy?
If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Join The 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge' And Change Your Finances Forever
So, Here Is How The
Challenge Works...
The challenge costs $50 to join, which covers all of your challenge materials — everything you need to get a handle on your money and cram your travel fund to the brim!
With the Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge, we could easily charge $750 for the full 30 day challenge… 
Probably even $1,500, or more, but...
All You Pay Is $50!

Then In Exchange For That Tiny $50 Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

Total Value: $2,570.00
If you want to upgrade your living and fund your travels, then this is the mission we’re giving you...
You have 30 Days, starting now...
Do YOU Accept?
Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...? 
Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You'll Get When You Join The Challenge Today!
The First Thing You'll Get Access To Is The...
Supercharged Travel Fund HQ
Your Headquarters For Your 30-Day Challenge... This Is Where You'll Find Everything That That You Need To Win This Challenge...
Inside your private members area is where you'll receive your daily missions. It's also where all of your tools are held and awaiting you.

Let us show you a glimpse of a few of the cool things you'll find in your HQ...
My team and I will train you with NEW videos created and structured for this specific challenge. First, we lay the solid groundwork, so you can master the CORE fundamentals and strategy behind your customized 30-day plan.

Second, we utilize "The Compound Effect" where little, easy wins add up to BIG things.

Third, we supercharge your progress by walking you through spending less on some of the biggest of your life expenses, without having to sacrifice your QOL.

Lastly, we help you tackle the largest wealth-stealers of your life so you can turn your savings from hundreds into thousands and change your life forever.

One of the first things we'll go through is taking a "30,000 foot view" of your current finances so we can see where all your money currently ends up.

We need to know this so we can work together to see where you can make the biggest improvements...

... so at the end of the challenge when you update this blueprint you'll be BLOWN AWAY at how much better things look.
One of my favorite tools you'll get your hands on, the Fast Tracker Co-Pilot™ will be your go-to as you easily track your spending throughout the day, or when winding down at night

We've made this tool super handy and incredibly easy to use. It's also built as a accountability tool so you actually move the money you saved to your travel fund.

I'm so excited to get this to you so you can see - DAILY - how much money you're putting aside for your next adventure WHILE NOT skimping on the things that make you happy. 
Are you CERTAIN you're not overspending? Are you aware of all of the 'fixed' payments coming out of your account and off your credit card each month?

Or even deeper, are you sure that every one of those expenses is needed?

This tool is what will help you uncover the "lost money," the money you're spending that isn't adding to your life.

You will use this in conjunction with the QOL Decision Matrix™ to happily nix the things you don't need or care enough about (we'll also help you find cheaper alternatives that just might be better than what you're currently paying for).
This challenge isn't about scrimping and saving your pennies. Not even close!

This challenge is about making the smart decision - that only you can make - in order to IMPROVE your Quality Of Life (QOL). We work with you to do this by keeping more of what you earn so you can have a freer, more luxurious life at home and abroad.

But deciding on what's "worth it" is a very tough decision. So we've built The QOL Matrix™ to walk you through the process so you can make confident decisions and know they're the right ones.
After your challenge is complete, and you're staring - with an ear to ear grin - at your overflowing travel fund,  we want to help you make the most of it...

So we've put together all of the latest resources, hacks, tricks and tips for you to now spend as little of your fund as needed and still have the most luxurious trip you want.

The Secret Deals Travel Formula™ is a methodical process for booking travel based on your level of extravagance... and you'll take this formula forward and save hundreds and thousands of dollars throughout the years in your travel costs.
These Powerful Resources Are ALL Inside The Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge HQ. Now...
What Else Do You Need To Blow The Lid Off This Challenge?
As I was creating this challenge, I realized there's a few other things you're going to need as you start filling your travel fund... or ramping up the one you already have...

... which is why I've created a handful of never-before-seen (or sold) bonuses... and I'm going to throw them in completely FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #1 ($197 Value)
These are the exact scripts you can use throughout your days to negotiate better prices on pretty much anything you can imagine

Full of powerful techniques like the "patience game," the ONE word that will change every request, and more...

These alone are worth far more than the price of admission.
BONUS #2 ($197 Value)
The world is full of tools that help you spend less than you currently do... even on the same exact things.

This tool guide is comprised of all these new and trustworthy tools so you save big on almost everything you buy and even get cash back...

... along with instructions on how to optimize them for your specific needs.  
BONUS #3 ($297 Value)
Empower yourself by winning the battle of the ‘financial cognitive biases’ that may have plagued your finances for years or, even, decades. 

Understanding things like "sunk cost fallacy," price anchoring, and "zero-risk bias" will change the way you think about money (and many other things) for the better

And you'll probably be blown away at some of the recent decisions you've made...
BONUS #4 ($97 Value)
Want to know about a $15 bottle of wine that beats out most $50 bottles? 

Or how to drive a luxury car on an economy budget? 

Well the Luxury Living Series™ teaches you how to live a rich life without the bank account to prove it. 
The First Thing You'll Get Access To Is The...
Supercharged Travel Fund HQ
Your Headquarters For Your 30-Day Challenge... This Is Where You'll Find Everything That That You Need To Win This Challenge...
Inside your private members area is where you'll receive your daily missions. It's also where all of your tools are held and awaiting you.

Let us show you a glimpse of a few of the cool things you'll find in your HQ...
($997 Value)
My team and I will train you with NEW videos created and structured for this specific challenge. First, we lay the solid groundwork, so you can master the CORE fundamentals and strategy behind your customized 30-day plan.

Second, we utilize "The Compound Effect" where little, easy wins add up to BIG things.

Third, we supercharge your progress by walking you through spending less on some of the biggest of your life expenses, without having to sacrifice your QOL.

Lastly, we help you tackle the largest wealth-stealers of your life so you can turn your savings from hundreds into thousands and change your life forever.

($47 Value)
One of the first things we'll go through is taking a "30,000 foot view" of your current finances so we can see where all your money currently ends up.

We need to know this so we can work together to see where you can make the biggest improvements...

... so at the end of the challenge when you update this blueprint you'll be BLOWN AWAY at how much better things look.
($197 Value)
One of my favorite tools you'll get your hands on, the Fast Tracker Co-Pilot™ will be your go-to as you easily track your spending throughout the day, or when winding down at night

We've made this tool super handy and incredibly easy to use. It's also built as a accountability tool so you actually move the money you saved to your travel fund.

I'm so excited to get this to you so you can see - DAILY - how much money you're putting aside for your next adventure WHILE NOT skimping on the things that make you happy. 
($47 Value)
Are you CERTAIN you're not overspending? Are you aware of all of the 'fixed' payments coming out of your account and off your credit card each month?

Or even deeper, are you sure that every one of those expenses is needed?

This tool is what will help you uncover the "lost money," the money you're spending that isn't adding to your life.

You will use this in conjunction with the QOL Decision Matrix™ to happily nix the things you don't need or care enough about (we'll also help you find cheaper alternatives that just might be better than what you're currently paying for).
($47 Value)
This challenge isn't about scrimping and saving your pennies. Not even close!

This challenge is about making the smart decision - that only you can make - in order to IMPROVE your Quality Of Life (QOL). We work with you to do this by keeping more of what you earn so you can have a freer, more luxurious life at home and abroad.

But deciding on what's "worth it" is a very tough decision. So we've built The QOL Matrix™ to walk you through the process so you can make confident decisions and know they're the right ones.
($297 Value)
After your challenge is complete, and you're staring - with an ear to ear grin - at your overflowing travel fund,  we want to help you make the most of it...

So we've put together all of the latest resources, hacks, tricks and tips for you to now spend as little of your fund as needed and still have the most luxurious trip you want.

The Secret Deals Travel Formula™ is a methodical process for booking travel based on your level of extravagance... and you'll take this formula forward and save hundreds and thousands of dollars throughout the years in your travel costs.
These Powerful Resources Are ALL Inside The Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge HQ. Now...
What Else Do You Need To Blow The Lid Off This Challenge?
As I was creating this challenge, I realized there's a few other things you're going to need as you start filling your travel fund... or ramping up the one you already have...

... which is why I've created a handful of never-before-seen (or sold) bonuses... and I'm going to throw them in completely FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #1 ($197 Value)
These are the exact scripts you can use throughout your days to negotiate better prices on pretty much anything you can imagine

Full of powerful techniques like the "patience game," the ONE word that will change every request, and more...

These alone are worth far more than the price of admission.
BONUS #2 ($197 Value)
The world is full of tools that help you spend less than you currently do... even on the same exact things.

This tool guide is comprised of all these new and trustworthy tools so you save big on almost everything you buy and even get cash back...

... along with instructions on how to optimize them for your specific needs.  
BONUS #3 ($297 Value)
Empower yourself by winning the battle of the ‘financial cognitive biases’ that may have plagued your finances for years or, even, decades. 

Understanding things like "sunk cost fallacy," price anchoring, and "zero-risk bias" will change the way you think about money (and many other things) for the better

And you'll probably be blown away at some of the recent decisions you've made...
BONUS #4 ($97 Value)
Want to know about a $15 bottle of wine that beats out most $50 bottles? 

Or how to drive a luxury car on an economy budget? 

Well the Luxury Living Series™ teaches you how to live a rich life without the bank account to prove it. 
Here Is Your Mission,
(Should You Choose To Accept It This Challenge...)

Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION
And Complete The Tasks Given To You,
Every Day For 30 Days

Yes, there will be some prep-work involved…
Yes, there will be homework…

But every day, you’ll be taking steps toward fixing your finances so you can travel more than every before and do it all in a more luxurious way!  

Our only question for you is…
“Do YOU Have What It Takes?”
By the time the challenge is over... 

... you will have a travel fund you can't help but stare at and grin from ear to ear... 

... you will have far less financial stress...

... and you will have the financial knowledge necessary to being able to make wise money choices so you can spend lavishly on the things you want WITHOUT an ounce of guilt!
The Travel Fund Challenge Is Different...
The Supercharge Your Travel Fund Challenge is NOT just some course that you’ll never use… 

It combines the right financial KNOWLEDGE…

With the SHOVE you need to EXECUTE the changes required for you to make progress… 

And a “no-excuses” ACCOUNTABILITY that won’t let you off the hook… 

See, although you'll soon have the knowledge to make small and large swings in your finances... 
... that knowledge is useless without EXECUTION...
(or, not executing the right way).

So, are you excited yet!?! If so, then NOW is the time to take action!
This Challenge Is NOT For Everyone! 
If you want to watch every day of the challenge, and say “Thanks, Dane! That was some great info!” 

...but never actually do anything with it, that’s entirely up to you.

But chances are, nothing will actually change in your life… And so if that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you.


If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 30 days…

If you want to be trained daily by Dane and the Journo Team, and have him PULL you in the right direction...

If you need to be held accountable with a good hard PUSH, and make sure that you get these tasks DONE (no excuses!)...

Then we invite you to accept the ‘The Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge,' finally get ALL your finances in order, and start creating momentum in your life towards the things you want and deserve!
So, What's The Catch...?
You might be wondering, "Why is all this only $50... what's the catch?"

Well, we're doing this challenge because we KNOW that when you have success whipping your finances into gear and have more money to travel with, you're more likely to continue to use Journo to track those new adventures... 

That's it... that's our "evil" ulterior motive - for you to have nail this challenge so you keep using our apps, tools and other products that give you that success.

In fact, we also pay our affiliates who refer people to this challenge $15.60 for anyone they signup. So, we might barely scratch the surface with new members of this challenge. 

So, why would I do this? 

Because it's our mission to help you travel more. And creating this 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge' so you can hop on a plane more often - without having to earn more money in the first place - was an ideal way we could accomplish our mission.

Our goal is to help you keep far more of the money you earn... without compromising your lifestyle... so hopefully you'll chose to re-invest some of those savings back into the products and services that we sell.

Does that sound more then fair? :)
Why Time Is Of The Essence...
This challenge is ready begin when you are!  

If this page is open, it means that the challenge is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon. 

And your MASSIVE discount will be gone for good...

But, more importantly, can you afford NOT to take this challenge right now? 

Every month that goes by without improving your financials, is money lost that could have been spent on a fine bottle of wine in Tuscany, or for a lift ticket in The Rockies, or a flight to Bali, or first-class accommodations in the South Pacific...

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... but the 2nd best time, is NOW."

NOW is the best time for you to take the 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge.' 
Is There A Guarantee?
Of course!

I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up to the daily videos, and implement what you learn, by the time the challenge is done you will have set up a travel fund which you are able to add an additional $300 per month into, without compromising your quality of life.

If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can send our support team an email at support@journohq.com, and receive a full refund of $50

Pretty simple.  

But if you're like most people, this experience will the future of your travels (and for some of you, it'll change your life!)
Here's What To Do Next...
From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started!    

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story and seeing how much money you've put into YOUR travel fund at the end of the challenge!

Let's do this,
Dane Homenick

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

When you join the 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge' today (for just $50), I'm going to give you access to your Supercharged Travel Fund HQ, which holds The Supercharged Travel Fund Video Missions™, The "30,000 Foot" Budget Blueprint™, , The Fast Tracker Co-Pilot™, The Hidden Money Locator™, The QOL Decision Matrix™, and The Secret Deals Travel Formula™.

But that's not all...

You'll also get access to these never-before-seen bonuses: The Art Of Negotiation Swipe File™, The Savvy Saver’s Tools Guide™, Money-Mind Mastery™, and The Luxury Living Series™...

All of which will substantially alter, improve, and strengthen your bond with money and how you budget, save, and spend it... ultimately allowing you to finally travel more than before or make all your future travels a lot more extravagant.

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love everything we've built for you in the challenge - we'll refund your $50 in full.  

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for?! Join the 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge' today!
Here's A Recap Of
When You Join The 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge' Today!
Total Value: $2,570.00
If you want to upgrade your living and fund your travels, then this is the mission we’re giving you...
You have 30 Days, starting today..
Do YOU Accept?
Join The 'Supercharged Travel Fund Challenge' Today!
For Only $50
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*Of course, your information is secure and will never be shared.
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